“Near Where Tuxbury Lumber Dumped Their Logs ”
With rainbows seen in pairs
The outer bow is lesser
And the gold found at its base
Is a thin mean metal—
but still worth taking,
Or so they say, those
Who reached the inner’s first
And after consulting a lawyer and a CPA
Announced themselves most blessed.
Maybe. I’m not so sure.
It’d be ironic, wouldn’t it,
To find (as in “less is
More”) at least one soul
So in awe of a Wando marsh
in autumn he or she’s content
To let the gold of second bows
Stay stretched beneath
a burnished mix
of mist and silver.
A lifelong resident of the Carolina Lowcountry, William P. Baldwin is an award-winning novelist, poet, biographer, and historian. His latest novel, Charles Town (Evening Post Books), will be published this spring.