The City Magazine Since 1975

8 garden standouts

8 garden standouts
March 2009
What are some of the main players in the Wagener Terrace space? Joan and Chad McDonald list their garden’s standouts

Variegated lemon: This fragrant perennial is known for adding a splash of color year-round, producing pink fruit with green-and-yellow striped skin.

Calamondin: The compact citrus tree offers miniature, gem-like fruits with glossy green leaves.

Lavender: Joan reports that lavender has become “indispensable” in her garden for its cool, silver foliage and elegant purple spires that offer a visual break from the traditional hot palettes of summer.

Eucalyptus: The hardy tree adds height and creates a layered effect without blocking the sunlight. Its green foliage offers a cooling contrast to warmer shades found in flower beds below.

Carolina Sapphire: These durable trees remain green throughout the year and help anchor outdoor spaces. In addition to her full-size version, Joan keeps a cutting in a pot and brings it indoors each year to use as her Christmas tree.

Grapevine: The elegant vine offers good shade and also works well in wreaths, ornaments, and picture frames.

Creeping Fig: A fast and easy grower, this is an ideal choice for covering hardscapes and softening edges. Its flexibility makes it a favorite for creating fresh looks (and concealing less successful growth).

Vegetables: Here are a few of the McDonalds’ favorite edibles and the colors they bring to the landscape: Carrots–mixed rainbow Potatoes–mixed rainbow Broccoli–purple and green Cauliflower–purple and white Yard-long asparagus beans–purple, red, mosaic, and green Kale–purple Cabbage–purple Swiss chard–mixed rainbow
