The City Magazine Since 1975


January 2020
How John Warren, and his farm Spade & Clover, became a Lowcountry chef favorite

December 2019
Meet the farmer and visionary who founded Fresh Future Farm, a nonprofit farm and grocery store, to serve a food desert...

October 2019
After living on a New Jersey vegetable farm, executive chef Robin Hollis brings a Garden State of mind to Basic Kitchen

September 2019
A cool-weather hero, the snapdragon now comes in more colors and growth habits than ever

August 2019
What's happening this month

June 2019
New & notable openings around Charleston

February 2019
Corrie and Shuai Wang, of Short Grain and the highly anticipated restaurant Jackrabbit Filly, host a nostalgic meal at...

February 2019
Mepkin Abbey’s monks get oyster and shiitake mushrooms into the hands of the city’s top restaurants

August 2018
Our taste-and-tell guide to some of the latest food-and-beverage openings in Charleston

August 2018
82 Wentworth St. - (843) 789-4568 -

July 2018
With beach season in full swing, quench your thirst—and add more produce to your diet—with these fresh juices

April 2012
Cookbook author Matt Lee has a lot on his plate—luckily, he has helping hands in his kitchen

April 2017
Our taste-and-tell guide to some of the latest food and beverage openings in Charleston

January 2017
While many chefs in town are willing to tweak their restaurant menus for herbivores, some spots cater primarily to...

January 2017
The owners of acclaimed restaurant Xiao Bao Biscuit share three favorite recipes from their at-home repertoire

December 2016
Entertaining during the holidays? Take cooking off your to-do list with the help of a personal chef. A few area pros...

August 2016
513 King St. (843) 641-0821

May 2016
188 East Bay St. (843) 577-5665

March 2016
492 King St. (843) 203-6338

February 2016
114 St. Philip St. (843) 400-0026

January 2016
Our taste and tell guide to some of the latest food and beverage openings in Charleston

149 Wentworth St. (843) 853-7828

McCrady’s chef de cuisine Daniel Heinze strikes gold with three richly flavored rice dishes

March 2015
As the weather warms, more greens appear at the table, creating a need for vinos that allow delicate flavors to shine...

February 2015
Chef Patrick Owens showcases this veggie’s versatility in three recipes

College of Charleston alum Glenn McConnell—formerly one of the state’s most powerful politicians—talks about taking the...

January 2015
We caught up with this veggie whisperer, who helms the thriving food hub GrowFood Carolina, on her favorite local eats...