The City Magazine Since 1975

Pat Conroy

November 2019
A tribute to the Charleston-born and -bred best-selling novelist who died in September

July 2019
Say the word "Shag" outside of the Carolina coast and you're likely to see a few raised eyebrows.  Here, however, the...

November 2018
How Pat Conroy revealed the wonder of the Lowcountry, and made one local fear losing it

September 2018
Sixty-plus writers tell their “Pat stories” in Our Prince of Scribes

June 2017
Marsh grass, oyster beds, and pluff mud at every turn—just 70 miles down the coast in Beaufort

February 2017
After a childhood abroad, Suzanne Pollak brings her global style and a penchant for blending classic and quirky pieces...

February 2016
An enthralling new novel brings the history of a Charleston landmark to life

April 2014
Magnificent live oaks define our landscape, offering poetic structure to our vistas, shade on scorching summer days,...

April 2013
A Charleston native offers newcomers a bit of advice on how to assimilate into the Holy City with its centuries of...

September 2012
Move over Martha, the founders of the Charleston Academy of Domestic Pursuits are schooling locals on all things home...

July 2012
The new Literary Charleston & the Lowcountry delivers works from 40 local and internationally renowned writers

May 2012
Two locals make it their biz to teach domestic arts

February 2012
A revered family, a renowned plantation, and a reclaimed legacy are the ties that bind at the Middleton family reunion

December 2011
A salute to the indomitable Nathalie Dupree—cookbook author, television cooking show host, teacher, mentor, and now...

July 2010
Ten icons of life in the Lowcountry during the past 35 years

August 2016
Books I wish I’d written, and how Pat Conroy got there first

A storyteller’s welcome home

The true power of the humble snack food

January 2010
Books I wish I’d written, and how Pat Conroy got there first

January 2010
A storyteller's welcome home

January 2010
The true power of the humble snack food

January 2010

December 2009
Charleston’s own Matt Lee and Ted Lee revisit some favorite Lowcountry cookbooks

July 2009
Exploring Beaufort and St. Helena Island, from piazzas to praise houses