The City Magazine Since 1975

David Boatwright

May 2017
A festival-size music venue opens in the Lowcountry

December 2015
Portraitist Molly B. Right transforms vintage bottle caps into dazzling works of art

May 2015
Artists have made an indelible impact on the culture of the Holy City, from European-born portraitists who brought...

January 2015
The subtropical Lowcountry climate isn’t ideal for growing grapes, but that hasn’t stopped a recent surge in wine...

December 2014
Charleston’s oldest craft-beer producer steps up its game

May 2014
David Boatwright paints the town in good taste  

September 2013
Local art enthusiasts Michele and Mike Seekings team up with muralist Karl Beckwith Smith to update a grand 1850s...

Local flavor-lovers are eating up Carolina Coaster Company’s unique wares

May 2012
Call it a cluster, a corridor, or whatever you want—the creative spirit in Charleston is reshaping our economy and even...

April 2012
GrowFood Carolina helps small farmers serve an increasing need for local produce

November 2010
Hubee D’s serves up fast and fresh down-home eats West of the Ashley

February 2010
Local students play with food for a cool art project benefitting Louie’s Kids and Slow Food Charleston