The City Magazine Since 1975

Porch Time

Porch Time
October 2014
We Charlestonians love our porches so much, we treat them like outdoor rooms. Knowing this, designer Heidi Walker selected some favorite patio furnishings for entertaining and relaxing solo. “In our climate, outdoor living is enjoyed all year,” she says. “Establish zones for dining and lounging to take full advantage.”

Pewter and crystal barware by Match are sure to help take the edge off. (Gwynn’s of Mt. Pleasant, call for pricing.)

“The Historic Hilton Head” porch swing (price upon request), at Custom Carolina Hanging Beds



Orbs by Zuo Modern, polyethylene (sizes and prices vary), through Heidi Walker Interior Design

Barcelona collection “Starburst” rug by Jaipur (price upon request), at Southeastern Galleries



Restoration Warehouse “Darien” pendant, distressed bronze finish ($470), at Candelabra







TWeatherproof art from Hayden Trading Company (sizes and prices vary), at Southern Accent Designer Showcase

Dining table, refurbished antique beams sourced from Re+Find (price upon request), similar available through Heidi Walker Interior Design

“St. Tropez” chaise lounge by Kingsley-Bate, teak ($830), at Morris Sokol Furniture

Heidi Walker

Who she is: a full-service commercial and residential interior designer

Where you’ve seen her work: Coastal Living

One of her favorite things about this look:
“Orbs by Zuo Modern look great floating in the pool or placed on the patio or in the garden. They give a fantastic light show by night. A remote control allows you to vary the settings; they can glow white or change colors.”

Find her at:


