The City Magazine Since 1975

Double Duty

Double Duty
November 2011
Two Boroughs Larder Meet & Eat brings epicurean treats to Coming Street

They don’t call it Two Boroughs Larder Meet & Eat for nothing. With dine-in and take-out options, the industrial-chic Coming Street restaurant has doubled the gourmet pleasure of the Elliotborough and Cannonborough neighborhoods since opening in August. And with a pledge to serve sumptuous food at reasonable prices, offering breakfast, lunch, and dinner five days a week (and brunch on Saturdays), owners Josh and Heather Keeler are attempting to do what few local restaurants have done before: make epicurean delights available even during the off hours.

“Working in food and bev, we always ate lunch and dinner late and got stuck with burgers or bar food,” says New England Culinary Institute graduate Josh. “Here, we wanted to give people what they’d find at fine-dining restaurants—but in affordable, smaller portions any time of day.” That means items such as scrapple (a Pennsylvania favorite), Thakkali curry, and PEI mussels. You’ll also find craft beers, wine, and gourmet pantry goods.

The Philly transplants chose the location based on their desire to create something The City of Brotherly Love has in spades, a neighborhood bistro where everybody knows your name. “Our customers are folks like us,” Josh says. And who wouldn’t want to be like this pair of food-loving folks who are giving locals two more great reasons to meet and eat west of King.

The restaurant is located at 186 Coming Street. To check out the menu, which changes weekly, visit
