The City Magazine Since 1975

Boudin Blanc with Sweet-sour Cabbage, Apple, Bacon, & Prune

Johnson made the sausage for the Boudin Blanc and then seared, skewered, and served it with a roasted-apple and a bacon-wrapped prune atop a bed of sweet-sour cabbage and gin- and juniper-infused cabbage purée.
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Preheat oven to 375 F.

Place apple wedges in a bowl. Sprinkle with a pinch of sugar and a splash of sherry vinegar.

In a saute pan over medium heat, sear sausage on both sides. Place each sausage on a skewer, add one apple wedge and one bacon-wrapped prune. Place in oven until sausage is cooked through, approximately seven to nine minutes.

When ready to serve, place two tablespoons of cabbage purée on a plate. Add about a ¼ cup sautéed sweet-sour cabbage and top with sausage skewer.

For the bacon-wrapped prunes:

Preheat oven to 350 F. Wrap each prune in half-slice of bacon. Place in oven until bacon is crisped. Remove and set aside.

For the sausage:

In a small saucepan, bring milk and onion to a scald over medium-high heat. Place breadcrumbs in a large bowl and add milk and onion. Allow to cool.

In a separate bowl, combine meat, fat back, egg white, salt, and spices. Add bread mixture and mix well. Process through a meat grinder twice. Pipe into casings and reserve.

Note: Poached or roasted sausages will keep in a sealed container in the refrigerator for two to three days.

For the cabbage purée:

Melt three tablespoons of the butter in a sauté pan over low heat. Add cabbage, salt, pepper, and ground juniper berries and cook until cabbage softens. Add chicken stock and simmer until very soft.

Remove from heat and place in blender or food processor and purée until very smooth. Stir in gin and rest of the butter. Set aside.

For the sweet-sour cabbage:

Heat fat in a sauté pan over high heat. Add mustard seed, saute briefly, until aroma is released, then add onion and cabbage. Cook until cabbage wilts, then stir in vinegar and sugar. Season to taste with salt and pepper and reserve.